I lied, I fucking cheated! How could i even justify this? I had lived up to the general expectation that "all men are taka taka"

I stared into the mirror half blindly half deep in thought or better still regret. My face was still dripping from the ice-cold shower I had taken hoping to clean all my sins, unfortunately, cold showers in this foul weather conditions could never be the blood of Jesu Kristu. Shivers and guilt could be Siamese twins joined at the hip. I looked at myself in the mirror with my hand on my forehead hoping it could cover my shame. the more I tried to hide it the more it hit me. I formulated excuses and played out all scenarios one by one.. She should understand this one time...she has to!

I remembered how my urgent need had me on a survey of town assessing all the hideouts and chose one that looked ideal just by looking at it. With the stealth of a cat, I walked on eggshells. This rendezvous was supposed to be a reducted file above the pay grade of anyone who cared to ask. A black-ops covert mission. They say the steps of cheating are too many to make it a mistake...

What will she think of me? A low life brat with no self-esteem? I couldn't wait? And I would go into hiding for days until the guilt of what I did wears off..until I'm in a position to extend the lie again..You know? tell her some cheesy shit like... "I have been keeping myself for you"

But as soon as her eyes meet mine, I will smell the disappointment, I will hear the jest. attitudes will be too loud.. She will say hi and usher me into a chair. I shall sit like a timid boy ready to receive his punishment for using his offertory coins to by mandazi and patco.

Then she will touch my head with a vice-like grip, flip it round in 3D and calmly ask , "Na ulinyolewa wapi round hii?" we will all burst into laughter then she will ridicule how the cut I got prior gave me a receding hairline, she will complain about which direction of grain I was shaved in (but does this even matter?) she will look at the rash developing on the side of my chin and scold me to take better care of my skin and suggest a couple of hair products they(also her colleagues) have been using and how it has worked for them.

And like a forgiving mother, she will wrap the towel around me and give me that "let me fix you" look through the mirror...and I will ease myself into a pair of hands I trust.30 minutes later she will catch a glimpse of me looking hard into the mirror and she will smile, pleased with what she has done. and just like nothing happened will pay and bounce out in my new confidence...

Respect your Mama and Barber one will determine how long you stay indoors while the other....Well, many things even the good book
says so.


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